There are many things we do differently during the holiday season that can de-rail our health and wellness journey. Here are a few tips to think about as we near those parties and gatherings:
- When at an event, try not to stand by the food. You will be more likely to overindulge if it’s close by.
- When filling your plate, start with the veggies and fill up your plate as much as you can. Next, add your lean proteins and then last if there is room, add in some of those heavy side dishes like casseroles.
- Drink water! Drink a glass of water when you get up in the morning and make sure you are drinking with meals.
- Sleep! Make sure you are doing all you can to get 7-9 hours of sleep. Researchers say that we need this amount of sleep to help recover, store memories, and receive adequate rest to not be overly tired the next day. Turn off the electronic screens 1-2 hours before bed to help your body build up that melatonin that is needed to go to sleep. Avoid alcohol close to bed (it decreases your REM sleep!). Avoid caffeine after 2 p.m. to make sure that your system can clear most of it out before bed time.
- Make sure you make time for movement. Whether it be a short walk after a meal, or a fun game with family. Try and get up and move around to boost your mood, burn off excess calories and help your sleep quality.
- Spend some time doing things that you love. If you have a hobby, love reading books or just need some quiet time in nature then make sure to make time for it. Your body and mind will thank you.
- Don’t beat yourself up over holiday eating, resting or just taking time for your own piece of mind. Remember, it’s only one day in most cases, and it’s not going to derail you enough to matter. Just keep making those decisions that will be best for your mind and body even after a choice that wasn’t the best for you.
- Be grateful. Take some time to reflect on all you have to be grateful for. I’m sure you will find like I have that there are many things on the surface for which I’m grateful, but also many things I am grateful for that are not tangible.
- Stay safe!