Services available here at UAMS
These confidential services are all unique and you can read about each below.
Supportive Conversations
Supportive Conversations is an anonymous 24/7 service for employees & students at UAMS. Callers can speak by phone with someone who is trained to listen and talk with you. If needed, they can guide you to a licensed social worker through EAP, Faculty Wellness, Resident Wellness or Student Wellness.
Contact InformationFor Emergency Services:
The 24/7 free National Crisis Text Line—Text TALK to 741741 to “talk” to a trained counselor via text. The 24/7 free National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) to talk to trained counselors. Call 1-800-273-8255
Mindfulness Sessions
Get Healthy UAMS and the UAMS Mindfulness Program are partnering to offer mindfulness sessions at noon Monday-Friday via Zoom for employees and students. Tune in for a moment of calm in your busy day, supported by our caring wellness community at Team UAMS.
Get the link!AR-Connect
The goal of AR-Connect is to help those Arkansans needing immediate care get the assistance they need and eventually connect them with treatment options available in their local area. 24/7 care for all Arkansans.
AR-ConnectMore emotional wellness resources

Student Wellness provides the tools and support to help students maintain balance in their lives and thus achieve their full professional and personal potential
Student Wellness
Residency can also be a daunting and challenging time. Long hours and adaptation to a new role and environment, and the responsibility for providing care to patient
Resident Wellness
NWA Residents
UAMS Northwest Wellness Program promotes “Wellness” as the idea of being able to balance more than just physical and medical health.
NWA Residents Wellness
Faculty Wellness Program supports the overall professional health and vitality of all our faculty.
Faculty Wellness